The Combination of Digital and Traditional Marketing

Your small business can use both digital and traditional marketing strategies to reach new customers.

The Combination of Digital and Traditional Marketing

The line between digital and traditional marketing is blurring

A few years ago, people spoke of digital and traditional marketing like two completely separate practices. Back then, there was a clear line between the two. 

We're now seeing that line blur -- and maybe even fade. Many marketers just see digital marketing as an online platform for traditional marketing efforts. 

According to a recent Forbes article, this means that you should keep your marketing mix balanced and integrated: 

"The line between digital and traditional marketing continues to blur. For marketers in 2014, it’s less about digital marketing than marketing in a digital world. Hence, marketers manage a much more balanced and integrated marketing mix than in previous years, which were characterized by online and offline silos."

The same core marketing principles are present in both practices

So what factors drove digital and traditional marketing to merge? Although experts tried to separate them, they had to realize one thing: the same core marketing principles are present in both practices. 

Basic marketing concepts don't change when you market online. You still need to identify your target audience, create a need, and engage prospective customers. 

Digital marketing requires technical expertise

The one major difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is the level of technical expertise. With digital marketing, you have to worry about things like search engine optimization and Google's algorithm. 

This shouldn't scare you. In fact, it's pretty simple to adjust your marketing efforts to meet certain technical standards. In the end, this aspect is less important than your brand identity and value proposition. 

Don't think of digital marketing as something completely unrelated to traditional marketing. To talk more about digital marketing, contact us.

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