Infographics Increase Customer Engagement

Readers are 30 times more likely to click through to an article based on an infographic.

Infographics Increase Customer Engagement

If you're like many business owners and managers, you've seen infographics throughout many of your favorite blogs and websites. However, you might not have realized that they were unique and effective marketing tools that were actually doing quite a bit to persuade you.

Though, to many, an infographic might just look like a fancy web design component, or a few charts with captions, (that designers just made to look extra-fancy for the web); infographics are so much more.

Ask Yourself

  • How many times you've clicked away from a long drawn out YouTube video with no real substance;
  • How many times you've come across a long article with great content, that you planned to read later, but never got around to it; or
  • How many times you've just clicked away from content you wanted to read, but just didn't have time for?

However, infographics allow you to clearly present a point with brevity and clarity.

According to AnsonAlex, readers are 30 times more likely to read through an infographic than an article on your website. In addition, Googlers search the term, "infographic," 547,000 times a month.

The Best Infographic Formats

  • Use your infographic to detail a timeline of the history of your company.
  • Statistic heavy infographics are quite powerful. Try sharing 10 to 20 statistics in one infographic in an attractive, clear way.
  • Take them on a path to answer a question in a way you want them to. Use your infographic to take them on both the, "Yes," path and the, "No," path, persuading them to make the ideal choice.
  • If you're short on time, infographics that use simple fonts and basic office shapes are good as well. You should use 3 colors or less for these infographics and only one font in different sizes. The ideal shapes to use are basic ones like large punctuation marks, basic squares, pie charts, bar graphs, hearts, circles and other simple graphics. Present everything in an attractive way.
  • Photograph heavy infographics tend to look like magazine ads, yet they work well to persuade in a, "vs," way. Should you choose this kitchen blender, or this one? This one can completely liquify a carrot. This one leaves chunks, and so on.

When You Use Infographics Properly:

  • They position you as an authority by giving your readers more information, quicker;
  • They build trust in your brand by quickly presenting historic facts about your company; and
  • They leave a positive feeling in your reader's minds, because you're not wasting their time and they get your point quickly. This doesn't happen often and most readers won't even know what you did unless you tell them.

Contact us to learn more about incorporating infographics into your campaigns and other online marketing strategies to enhance your small business.

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